Mobile voicemail is a must have for businesses on the go. You know how when you get a voicemail on your mobile phone it can be a bit clunky to access and listen to the message? All mobile phones are different but on most mobile phones when someone leaves you a voicemail message you have got to:
Dial your voicemail box.
Listen to the silly message telling you that you have a new message. (You already knew that of course.)
Then it asks you to dial something to listen to the message.
Then it tells you the date and time the message was received.
Then once you have listened to the message you have to delete it or save it.
You now have an electronic record of that message and can go back to it at any time.
If you want someone else to deal with it, just forward it to their email like you would any other email.
There is no need to delete it as it will just sit in your email inbox like any other email.
It takes a fraction of the time to check your messages.
Now there is only one place to check your messages. Your email inbox. How neat is that?